Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Snooze This Morning

Hey, Keith here, let me walk you thru a workout that may inspire you to perspire.
If you do this workout first thing in the morning, like I did, I assure you that it will have you feeling good all day.  It's Leg and Shoulder dominant, but a lot of the moves involve focus on the core and total body movements.  You'll be moving up, down, and laterally.  And, I promise, your heart rate will be up there for the duration.  If it's not, you're doing it wrong!
I did this workout as a solo operation today, but it'd be more fun with a partner (I bet Jami would be game).  I set up workout stations; so, two people could do it together with the first guy or gal getting a head start. 
I highly encourage you to listen to some upbeat music during this particular workout; it totally helps....
I really pushed myself with this workout and encourage you to do the same, but be smart, be safe, and don't bite off more than you can chew.  Body parts work and feel better when they are not torn or broken.  Know your limits but don't let fear keep you from pushing yourself.....there is a balance young jedi.  Use the force, or swartz, or whatever you need....yeah, I made both a Star Wars and a Spaceballs reference.  Crafty! Allright, cue the music, make sure you warmed up, and don't be afraid to dance in-between sets, but respect your fellow fitness enthusiasts' ears, eyes, and personal space......
As always, if you are curious about how a particular exercise/move is performed, I'd be happy to explain, demonstrate, etc.  
Here it is (I'll put my weight used for reference):

Plank to Pushup          15 reps
Single-Leg Crossbody DB Deadlifts          12 reps each side   [12lbs]
DB Shoulder Press          12 reps   [40, 45lbs]
Kettlebell Deadlifts on Box          15 reps   [70lbs]
Pullup-bar Hanging Toe to Bar Crunches          10 reps
Single-Leg DB Box Step-Ups          12 reps each side   [40, 45lbs]
Side Plank Over/Unders          10 each side
Medicine Ball Slams          20 reps   [12lbs]
Kettlebell Lateral Lunges          10 each side   [25lbs]
Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press          8-10 reps each side   [35, 40lbs]
2 Minutes Boxing 

*Circuit thru 3 total times
The dude I was punching on, compliments of the UAMS Fitness Center
Move your body, enjoy yourself, enjoy life, enjoy each other!

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