Keith Writing:
Howdy all! Jami and I have been getting after it in the gym! Feels good to get stronger.....
We both have been hitting it hard in the gym, increasing our metabolic rate, and as a result, have been putting away some food! We are not bragging by any stretch, but for two people our grocery bill is pretty high. We do opt for high-quality meats and good sources of fruits and veggies. Note to you reading this: take extra care with what you put through your mouth to fuel your body. Be smart and pay attention to how it makes you feel. After all, food is fuel and serves that purpose, but it can still be fun. With that in mind, see how it makes you feel. Our food sources are suppose to make us feel VIBRANT and alive, not sluggish and bloated. I experiment with this daily....I'll admit, I have my weaknesses and am always learning.
Back to the Workout Stuff
This workout found below has been awesome! Jami and I do it together. We each load up a barbell and get to work. You use the same weight for 5 barbell complexes, meaning: you perform all reps for the first exercise and go straight into the second exercise and so forth thru all 5, no rest. You choose your weight based upon what you can manage for all 8 reps on the hardest of the 5 exercises (usually Bent-Over Row or Hang Clean).
We cycle through it 3 to 4 times and have been adding other things in-between like: burpees, biceps curls, triceps bench dips, kettlebell swings, box step-ups, all things that keep our heart rates accelerated.
This will make you feel like you accomplished something when you leave the gym. More than likely, you will be sweating, maybe stinky, but I won't judge you because I've done this workout and know that in the process of doing it you kinda feel like a caged animal with no worries, just the sheer determination to get through it in one piece. Who cares about stink, your cussing and yelling while exerting yourself anyways? May wanna try this workout alone or with someone who really loves you and you won't mind if they see you cry.
Just kidding, it's a challenge, but you can modify the exercises as needed. Stay in control.
You'll find it below, take a look, and give it a try!
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