Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Snooze This Morning

Hey, Keith here, let me walk you thru a workout that may inspire you to perspire.
If you do this workout first thing in the morning, like I did, I assure you that it will have you feeling good all day.  It's Leg and Shoulder dominant, but a lot of the moves involve focus on the core and total body movements.  You'll be moving up, down, and laterally.  And, I promise, your heart rate will be up there for the duration.  If it's not, you're doing it wrong!
I did this workout as a solo operation today, but it'd be more fun with a partner (I bet Jami would be game).  I set up workout stations; so, two people could do it together with the first guy or gal getting a head start. 
I highly encourage you to listen to some upbeat music during this particular workout; it totally helps....
I really pushed myself with this workout and encourage you to do the same, but be smart, be safe, and don't bite off more than you can chew.  Body parts work and feel better when they are not torn or broken.  Know your limits but don't let fear keep you from pushing yourself.....there is a balance young jedi.  Use the force, or swartz, or whatever you need....yeah, I made both a Star Wars and a Spaceballs reference.  Crafty! Allright, cue the music, make sure you warmed up, and don't be afraid to dance in-between sets, but respect your fellow fitness enthusiasts' ears, eyes, and personal space......
As always, if you are curious about how a particular exercise/move is performed, I'd be happy to explain, demonstrate, etc.  
Here it is (I'll put my weight used for reference):

Plank to Pushup          15 reps
Single-Leg Crossbody DB Deadlifts          12 reps each side   [12lbs]
DB Shoulder Press          12 reps   [40, 45lbs]
Kettlebell Deadlifts on Box          15 reps   [70lbs]
Pullup-bar Hanging Toe to Bar Crunches          10 reps
Single-Leg DB Box Step-Ups          12 reps each side   [40, 45lbs]
Side Plank Over/Unders          10 each side
Medicine Ball Slams          20 reps   [12lbs]
Kettlebell Lateral Lunges          10 each side   [25lbs]
Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press          8-10 reps each side   [35, 40lbs]
2 Minutes Boxing 

*Circuit thru 3 total times
The dude I was punching on, compliments of the UAMS Fitness Center
Move your body, enjoy yourself, enjoy life, enjoy each other!

Fat Blasting, Muscle Building, & Reving Up Body Metabolism: Getting Medieval

 Keith Writing:
Howdy all! Jami and I have been getting after it in the gym! Feels good to get stronger.....
We both have been hitting it hard in the gym, increasing our metabolic rate, and as a result, have been putting away some food! We are not bragging by any stretch, but for two people our grocery bill is pretty high.  We do opt for high-quality meats and good sources of fruits and veggies.  Note to you reading this:  take extra care with what you put through your mouth to fuel your body.  Be smart and pay attention to how it makes you feel.  After all, food is fuel and serves that purpose, but it can still be fun.  With that in mind, see how it makes you feel.  Our food sources are suppose to make us feel VIBRANT and alive, not sluggish and bloated.  I experiment with this daily....I'll admit, I have my weaknesses and am always learning.

Back to the Workout Stuff
This workout found below has been awesome! Jami and I do it together.  We each load up a barbell and get to work.  You use the same weight for 5 barbell complexes, meaning:  you perform all reps for the first exercise and go straight into the second exercise and so forth thru all 5, no rest.  You choose your weight based upon what you can manage for all 8 reps on the hardest of the 5 exercises (usually Bent-Over Row or Hang Clean).
We cycle through it 3 to 4 times and have been adding other things in-between like:  burpees, biceps curls, triceps bench dips, kettlebell swings, box step-ups, all things that keep our heart rates accelerated.
This will make you feel like you accomplished something when you leave the gym.  More than likely, you will be sweating, maybe stinky, but I won't judge you because I've done this workout and know that in the process of doing it you kinda feel like a caged animal with no worries, just the sheer determination to get through it in one piece.  Who cares about stink, your cussing and yelling while exerting yourself anyways? May wanna try this workout alone or with someone who really loves you and you won't mind if they see you cry.
Just kidding, it's a challenge, but you can modify the exercises as needed.  Stay in control.
You'll find it below, take a look, and give it a try!


My Time!

Keith writing this:
This is my favorite time of year; it's starting to cool off (kinda), football is back in effect, the leaves start changing, and multiple birthdays this month including mine and my twin bro, Brett.  I live for Septembers!

Jami has been writing about challenging herself lately on our blog.  I think it's good for us to challenge ourselves on a regular basis.  Challenging ourselves to get more sleep, eat healthier, get active and move our bodies, get a job, study a new trade, cut back our alcohol consumption, be friendlier, learn to dance, cut out caffeine, quit smoking, stop watching crappy reality TV, whatever......this list can go on and on.

Goals are meant to be set and we are to take action to accomplish them, but too many times, we set really lofty goals that are so hard to attain at the rate we normally want to attain them.  What we need to do is set smaller goals and stair-step our way up to the ultimate achievement we are shooting for.  Let's make things more reasonable for ourselves and win the small battles so that we can win the war.  Too many times people are so rigid staying the course that when they fall off track they end up throwing their hands in the air and seeing themselves as a big failure.  This is so far from being true! We are humans, we make mistakes.  I see people get so frustrated with their nutrition/diet plans.  They follow a strict plan, they want to lose weight, and they know the foods to avoid that will help them look and feel the way that they desire.  BUT....they have a moment of weakness, they breakdown and eat something they love and know they aren't suppose to have.  The next thing they know, they've gone crazy and had an out of body experience and eaten a whole bag of Oreo Double-Stuffed cookies or a whole apple pie with a pint of french vanilla ice cream (only an example here, although I have a strong love for anything peanut butter, chocolatey,  and even apple pie too! I'll admit, I do like a lot of desserts).  What we have to do is set limits, practice a 80:20 rule (80% strict, 20% some wiggle room) and allow ourselves some foods we really enjoy.  I don't like using the word "treat" or "reward", but you get where I'm going.  Follow your plan but allow yourself to "color outside the lines a bit".  Be reasonable about your diet, stay smart, and if you have a blow-out, start new the next day.  Dust yourself off and get back on.  We all go through this in one way or another.  We all struggle with our own "stuff".  When it comes down to it, you know what you have to do; so, when you're ready to make the change and see progress, you'll do it.
As people we want two things, Success and Happiness.  We know ourselves better than anyone else; be true to yourself.  Set your goals, make them realistic, and use the help of an accountability partner (friend or family) to motivate and help get you where you wanna be, which is successful and happy, on the road to winning the small battles that you set for yourself.

Friday, September 9, 2011

caffeine challenge....backfire!

Hello Everyone!! Upon reasonable request, we will be saying who is writing each post from now on, so long as we remember! This is Jami. Just wanted to drop a line and confess. I did not drink caffeine for 2 days. Today is  Day 9 of my 30 day no-caffeine challenge : ) oh well
I actually received some very insightful feedback from some folks that know me a little better than I know myself sometimes......we all have blindspots right? it's so easy to see other's problems, just not our own. Couple things were brought to my attention that I guess made me reconsider what I was doing and why. I realized that I have tendencies to be ALL or NOTHING!! So, if I think I'm doing something that probably is not the best thing, I do it like CRAZY cuz I know ..I gotta quit!  This is a little peek into my mind. And please understand this is a piece of my mind that deals with addiction, there are other parts that are much more sane. : ) So one question that was given to me was, "why isn't enough, enough?" Why can't you be satisfied with enough? HHMmmmm, good question...the next thing that got brought to  my attention was to "just have one cup". have my precious morning cup, do my thing I do in the morning, prayers, meditation..whatever...then get up go exercise and get on with it! So...that's what I tried. I knew I was quitting from my manic place of being scared something was harming my body but I love it...so I'm gonna drink all I can because I gotta quit! That didn't feel good anymore because I knew that really wasn't going to solve my internal dilemma. Whatever the "thing" is that keeps us going back to things that overall do not support us, whether it's coffee, cigarettes, relationships, jobs, etc...So, I've been exploring it. Looking at it for what it is. Addiction for one thing. Not just to coffee but we get addicted to our own stressors. Have you ever noticed people have the same types of drama over and over? Interesting. I've been letting myself have the coffee and exploring letting one cup be enough, which turned into one cup in the morning.....and one cup later...then screw it a bigger one cup....Ultimately I know deep down how it affects me and it is not in alignment with my goals and desires for my health and well being. Last year when my health had declined so greatly, I could not handle it at all, it hurt my entire body. I was only able to do things that supported my health to build me back up. Got to feeling really good and strong and went back. the negative effects are obviously not so great that I can't drink it now but if I keep doing small hindrances to myself over and over it will defeat the purpose of all the work I've done. sigh...
I also have been aware of the fact that Keith and I have made a decision to create a HUGE change in our lives. We are in the process of selling our house, exploring new places of employment to move to Colorado. The initial phase of this was inspiration and exuberance....then for me some fear came around the corner and I decided to take it and let it disillusion me. The coffee has been there to give me a "good feeling" so that I don't have to feel the fear.  Often, or most times, addictions or distractions are just that, something to focus on so that we don't feel.  Now that I have some awareness of what I've been up to, I can make a more informed decision. 

                                           "Fear is just excitement without your breath!"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1 ...caffeine free

Well everyone....I survived. I guess it was ok. I slept in just about an hour later, maybe a little more. I basically just slept during the time I would be up having my delicious, precious organic coffee very strong with lots of coconut milk. : ) Did I miss it? Hell yeah! Did I wander around not sure what to do with myself? Hell yeah! totally changes my routine. But on a good note, I did not have a headache or anything like that. I actually felt ok...just plain. Since coffee jumpstarts things such as mental capacity, bowels, excitement for the day...I had a bit of a lag in all of those areas which was slightly uncomfortable. I felt fine until about an hour after breakfast I got a wee bit sleepy so I napped after my clients, not long and not totally sleeping, just that fading in and out for a bit. Actually felt pretty good. As the day unfolded, things in my schedule changed and it turned out that I got a massage from a dear friend which also put me into the fading in and out place, then I had my acupuncture treatment, which again I was able to visit that lovely place while the needles gently coerced my chi to flow magically. : )
OH YEAH.....I did actually have a cup of organic hot cocoa. yikes but it is sweetened with coconut sugar which is considered low glycemic and only 3g at that. So, not something I would want to do every day but I was ok with it today to satisfy something that I just simply needed. OH YEAH...tee hee...I actually had another cup in the evening while preparing our food. This time with my divine coconut milk and a pinch of cinnamon. : ) so, tomorrow I will attempt skipping that. I found a tea at an herb shop here in town. It's caffeine free, organic local herbs. The name of the blend is Morning Flight of the Sun Eagle. I thought to myself "yes, that is how I want to feel..with no caffeine". It was ok. I am not much of a fruity hot tea person but I would love to try it cold. I also picked up a lovely chamomile and lavender blend for the evening.
So, not too much drama. I will discover something new and empowering for my mornings that don't leave me wiped out by 12. I do miss feeling excited though. Time to discover what truly excites me in life. Not something contrived by a drug. : )
Stay tuned