Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Coffee and Gluten Cross Reactivity

Hi! Wednesday morning here.....and I'm preparing for my departure flight from caffeine tomorrow. As usual before a flight, I'm feeling excited about where I'm planning on going and a bit nervous about the possible turbulent journey. Even during times of smooth flight, I catch myself totally clenched in preparation for the "possible" bumps.  I have gotten better over the years with simply taking deep breaths and knowing that if the plane goes down, well, then it goes down...I probably won't remember it once I make it to the other side! I know...kinda grim, but it's the best I could come up with and it has helped so far. Now, don't get me wrong...I am not afraid of dying during this trip through caffeine elimination, actually quite the opposite..looking forward to feeling free of addiction to something that ultimately makes me feel worse. Looking forward to waking up feeling GOOD without a stimulant. I do realize that some folks are not as sensitive as I. Call it a blessing and a curse. I remember even as a child being extremely sensitive to others. I could feel what they felt. Was a lot to work with as a child..and now that has transferred into other sensitivities. It is a gift in a way that I can be with others and they feel free to share with me things that maybe others wouldn't be so sensitive to, allowing them a space to open up and cleanse some personal things. People feel free to talk to me, they feel safe. I love talking with people about real life things...I don't do fluff very well. If you ask me how I am prepared to hear how I am doing......for real! Into my adult years it has been more and more apparent that certain food/beverage items irritate my being. My body which directly affects my mind and my spirit. So, I mentioned in my post yesterday that I had seen a holistic doc and had some tests done. Well, my actual diagnosis was Celiac Disease and Hypothyroidism. Auto Immune hypothyroid. Auto-immune diseases happen when the immune system is over active and starts attacking another part of your body. I had been treating myself with my prescribed program and as I said was feeling much better. Started adding things back, which I know better than to add wheat or grains and such but coffee I just couldn't believe, or truly did not want to believe could be so much of a hindrance to my health. I have been researching a  bit and have discovered that coffee is the highest potentially cross reactive with gluten...meaning, the immune system reacts to the coffee like it would to gluten. NO WONDER I feel like I did before I started my treatment. Makes sense now. Man......I remember reading about it before but I must have promptly removed that from my memory files because I was not ready to hear that. For those of you who may not know what gluten is or Celiac Disease...gluten is the protein in wheat and many other grains and is also disguised by many different names and in foods that may not be apparent such as sauces, spices, etc...many people do not tolerate it and since bloated bellies and gas and abdominal discomfort are "normal" now most people don't think to find out what causes it until something else goes really wrong. Celiac Disease is what happens to the small intestine when these foreign invaders keep being ingested even against is many cries for you to STOP eating it. It damages the villi....which are there to aid digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Ok, enough about that, if you need more info (most of america does) comment on this post and we'll get you informed!
I am nervous about tomorrow but mostly because I have clients to see tomorrow. I will do my best. I have tea in case of emergency.....
This is actually a good time in my life and schedule to be taking on this endeavor. I do have the needed time and space to rest if I need to. proceed with caution...

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