I just wanted to take a minute and share something that's been a game changer for me lately. The subject is Receiving. There is an abundance of focus on receiving more money, more energy, more time in our society. The practice of gratitude is wonderful for grounding in the here and now, and how abundant our lives are and I have my ways of doing this. Recently though, one particular practice has knocked my socks off and really brought in some energy and love and just full on joy for life!! It was suggested to write down a few things at night that you received during that day. Not just income, but anything that was, you know, nice...joyful, enjoyable, whatever. I started doing this every night. I write down the good things I'm experiencing in my work as a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and working with Keith because I feel totally blessed to be doing this and I write down some things just about my life in general. This practice wasn't necessarily challenging to begin but it has become so fulfilling to do! Even on nights when it is just time to get to bed and I realized I haven't done it yet, I take even a minute to write one or two things down. It's made me realize how much there is to be thankful for. This world and this life are really confusing sometimes. Scary. Things happen that are unexplainable, unacceptable so much so that the mind can't even make it all make sense. I think we run around surviving, keeping up with the Jones's, trying to pay attention to our families, working, doing this and that......It's all good..what else would we do?? But....there's so much being missed sometimes. At least by me. I will only speak for me here. I read a book when I was 19 called The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman and it was the first book that changed me...in a good way..cellularly. If we take the time to take things in, really receive this life and all that is happening, it is magical.
The other day Keith and I witnessed a mama cat helping her baby cross the road. She would get way ahead of the kitten and then turn around and wait...then go back to her and pick her up with her mouth and carry her a bit, then let her walk again...until finally she just grabbed her and got her across the street. It was so fun to watch. It took us all of about..oh 5 minutes, to be still together and watch it play out. I told Keith....these things are happening all over the place....across the world and the universe! Small scale to large scale. Caterpillars turning into butterflies, babies being grown in women's bodies......storms brewing, sunshine making things grow...I mean I know that this may not make everyone just sit down in AWE but it does me. What magical creatures we are and nature and love and ..man, it just breaks me open sometimes.
Not to take away from working towards our goals in all the other areas mentioned, and going for our dreams in life....that is all part of it too!! I just wanted to remind myself and others that there is so much to receive here in this life. Like they say, "what you pay attention to grows". I am so glad I started this evening practice. Maybe you will enjoy it to??
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