Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Anniversary Weekend at the Cabin

All I can say is ...we RELAXED. As soon as we walked in the door of our oh so generous friends' cabin, we both let out an AAAHHHH...this is nice. Begin..unwind. I think it's important to note that I didn't have to try to unwind, like I might try to meditate, or try to relax and focus when I'm at home in my daily life..No, this was completely different. It has happened before and I've been paying attention. It happened here. Something beyond my mind, my trying......just let go. This is what I pay attention to, to listen to my inner guidance. Where I relax, where I tense up, where I feel free and expressive, where I feel held back....I say where and what I mean by that is where, when, around whom, etc. When it is beyond ME...I pay serious attention.

Right before we came here, I had been stressing myself out. Some things have been happening and changing in my/our life and I had let it go too long. I know this about myself...I need to get out of town and go somewhere quiet to rejuvenate..but don't we all just get too busy! We're supposed to be being productive and successful and achieving all of the time..ALWAYS ON. Doesn't work for me. I remembered this over the weekend.

My body relaxed, and let go. Ongoing muscular tension relaxed, I slept really well, my mind calmed down and in all of that, I was able to understand some things a bit more clearly. I was able to receive clarity and some answers. During the time I was there, I knew that if I could just maintain this sense of inner calm that I could actually work more productively and more in alignment with myself. That is what I am currently working with.

At home.....we're IN IT. Everything that has to be done, emails, text, work, name it. Minus the down time to harness peace and clarity = recipe for destruction. I have been able so far to remember and trust what became clear over the weekend and rely on that to help me manage myself better. And I know more than ever that getting out of town, in nature and quiet is ESSENTIAL to my well being.

We all need different things that rejuvenate and refuel us. Help us go into the parasympathetic nervous system and out of sympathetic, or fight/flight response. The important thing is to know what it is you need and give yourself that gift.

It works for Keith and I both to be in NATURE and QUIET, so that is a bonus for us as a couple. We do different things in other areas, but to unwind, we take the same medicine. It was very healing. We read, walked outside with Lady, talked about what we loved about each other (I know, maybe silly, but we liked it), had a fire was simply divine.

My experience with listening to myself keeps evolving. But here are some things that have been very helpful for me that maybe will help you understand your signals as well.

One thing that happens for me is that I get pictures in my mind. They aren't things I "think up", or conjure, or try to visualize, they just appear like I am looking at something but it is above where my eyes actually are, it's literally a screen in my mind. I actually love it when this happens because it's such a reminder to me that we are all given guidance. I simply utilize the knowledge of the picture to the best of my ability. For example.....a couple of years ago I kept getting this picture of me in a beach house, I had on a specific color green tank top, my hair was pulled back and I was really happy, glowing and healthy. Now, when this started to come in, it was so refreshing as I had struggled with my health in the past. The way that I used this is every day when I would shower and get ready, I would just tap in to that visual and how it made me feel. I would get ready for my day with that picture and how it made me feel. This may be a little woo woo for some, but this is what I did. Not too long after this was happening, I ended up meeting a woman who lives in Florida and she became my coach and a friend. Keith and I had several trips to Florida is the next almost 2 years and I had drastic changes in my life and health.  And then this happened.....a photo...of what I had seen, but it was in my house. After spending time in Florida and around the beach and having some breakthroughs....the picture I had been seeing.
My best friend and I live 2,000 miles away from each other. We take selfies and send them to each other to connect, be silly or whatever. When I saw this, it was the first realization I had that I had been given guidance, followed it and came to have fruition of things I had been working on. This was a big deal to me.

Another thing that happens for me is that I get very strong feelings in my body. Tension in my neck, nausea, comes in different forms but whatever form it comes, it's strong and doesn't go away until I act on whatever it is I'm getting a message about. This is not my favorite way of listening to myself as it is uncomfortable. But, I have also noticed that the things I've had to take action on during these times, is usually pretty uncomfortable and I don't want to do it. So, if it were just a nudge or pretty picture suggestion to myself...I may not do it. It's my way of getting my own attention.

Another thing that happens is that I just simply hear myself. I have immediate answers, Yes, or UH-No...or I don't like this, or this isn't where I need to be. This is the one that I am still learning to act faster on as one of my patterns is to question myself. It's getting better. But still an area that needs work.

In situations such as the cabin, or when we've gone to Florida and spent time at the beach....I simply unwind without any conscious effort. It's like magic. And it's necessary for me to stop, let things clear out, and be open to receive clarity and new guidance again.

These are all ways in which I have learned to listen to myself. The cabin was a good reminder of the importance of caring for ourselves so we can stay tuned in and connected.

What form does your guidance take?

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