There's been one really good way for me to see myself a little more clearly lately....Working from home! WOW. See the picture above? This is what I'm learning about right now. BIG....TIME. So, in order for me to do something different, I'm sharing here and creating a plan to help me to learn how to focus. The irony is...I just left a program that was teaching me about focus. Even more ironic, is that I had signed up for several programs, all of which where distracting me from some things that I needed to deal with. I had to disengage briefly so that I could get a handle on some things.
The things I tend to get distracted with are all good, positive (in my opinion) things. And, they are my go to's because it's very convincing to me to always be involved with "healthy", transformative, self developing things...because I love those things, because they are necessary, because it's what I do and share with the world, and because it's my nature and on that note, it's EASIER than doing the hard things that I really need to do..the things that I don't know how to do well, the things that are uncomfortable for me, the things that will yield the results I'm actually seeking but I'm unfamiliar with the steps to get there.
It's a VERY uncomfortable place to be in right now. But...this is part of me, and it's happening and it's front and center...I probably would do well to seek some guidance from someone who has mastered this. I am actually learning about this at my yoga studio. One thing I noticed recently though, is that I would go to my yoga class because of this anxiety I have because I know I'm not focused and taking action where I need to. So, here is a prime example of where one of my very helpful and positive habits, is being used by me, to distract myself. Why do I do that? Because I know I can go there and move and breathe and sweat and then feel a little more confident about things. I can be with people who inspire me and share in an environment that is purposed for our empowerment as people and creativity and fun. I love it.
When I get home though, I am here with me and the things I need to deal with. So, how can I use what I am learning there, and apply it here? How can I use what all I have learned about creating health in my body and apply in these areas that need my attention now? I know that if I can create in certain areas, I can create in others. It's just new territory.
It's interesting to me to be here. One thing I noticed in this particular yoga practice, which is Baptiste Yoga, is my focus. It is called 'drishti' in the yoga practice. It was being taught in one particular class in great detail. When you move from one posture (asana) to the next, you have a drishti, or a focus point. You will go where you are focused. I noticed that my eyes were all over the place! It has become much better on my yoga mat but it is showing up loud and clear in other areas.
My particular areas are unique to me. We all have areas we need to pay attention to, to focus on, to do something different with. What are the areas you need to focus more on? I am going to do some inquiry and maybe even enlist some advice and work with this. My hope and plan is to write again about this and have some helpful hints and good results to share with all of you!!
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