It's so HOT! I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know, but I'm hoping for a break in the heat.
I tried running last Saturday around 2pm; the air was thick - hard to breathe and it was too hot, had to mix in some walking even though I only made it a little over 2 miles. Let me say, and this is important, I do not recommend you run at this time of day in this heat, ever.......kind of psycho really. I can only imagine what these cars thought when they saw this dude running down the road. It's cool though, I've been called crazy before, numerous times and actually many things else much worse along the way.
Now, yesterday I had a pretty kick-ass workout, thus part of the title. A friend of mine, Dr. Johnston, a doctor up at the hospital received his medical training in the Navy. Let me just say that he has given me great workouts, ideas, and PDF exercise papers all from Navy Seals. These guys are the real deal; you probably could have guessed that. Tough, creative in their exercises, and a little crazy (maybe a lot crazy). No denying they are some badasses that I'd want saving mine or my families' asses anytime it was necessary.
So Money Makers are an exciting combination of a few great exercises all rolled into one; like a hellacious, sweaty burrito of an exercise made especially for you by your old P.E. teacher. These will make a man out of you, even if you're a woman. So, watch out!!!! First, you grab some dumbbells (DBs), I had 15lbers in each paw (it was enough at the time for me). Start out with a squat thrust, drop into a squat and thrust your legs back into a pushup position. Perform a pushup, then do a Renegade Row, rowing each DB to each side by your ribcage one-at-a-time while in plank position. After the row, jump legs back into squat position, stand up, biceps curl DBs, and then shoulder press the DBs. Repeat 11 more times. Really gets the ticker ticking for sure. I hope you enjoy them!
So, Fridays workout: Money Makers 12 reps x 3, Pullups 10 x 4, Front BB Squat (115lbs) 10 x 4, Elbow to Knees hanging from Pullup bar 12 x 3, Burpees (good ole burpees) 12 x 3, Box Deadlifts w/ 85lb DB 12 x 4.
Saturdays workout: TRX Incline Pushup 12 x 2, TRX Chest Fly 12 x 2, Medicine-Ball Pushups 12 x 2,
Bosu Ball Cross-Over Pushups 5 ea. side x 1, Plyometric Pushups 10 x 5, Narrow-Grip Cable Rows 10 x 5, Medicine-Ball Slams 12 x 5, BB Bench Press (195lbs) 5 x 5, Bench DB Goblet Split-Squat 10 ea. side x 4, Power-Wheel Alligator Walk Staggered Pushups for distance (as many as I could stand) x 3.
Some good work these past two days; now need to go lay some mulch. But first.....
I would like to remind you guys of something that can slow me down at times, it's called negative self-talk, and it's something that can stop the progress that we make cold in their tracks. Don't allow your mind to do this to you. Keep your thoughts positive, your mental fitness strong and healthy. At times we can be our own worst enemy making up "stinkin-thinkin" that is so far away from what is true about us. Stay true to your dreams, set goals, and do the action that it takes to eventually achieve these goals. Believe in yourself and stay positive!
Be well,
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