The wheels of change, they be a'rollin!!!
Jami and I have been talking for years casually about packing things up and heading back to the beautiful, Rocky Mountain State of Colorado. Personally, I woke up one day and said, "What the hell are we waiting for?"
Arkansas is my home and I love it dearly (by the way, this is not Jami's home). But, I'll always have Arkansas. It's home, always will be for me. Jami agrees, what the hell are we waiting on; really, nothing. It's easy to say things, it can be hard to actually do, leave the comfortable and put yourself out there. It makes sense to do a move like this now, we're young, no kids, open to change......Don't want to have those woulda coulda shoulda's later in life. Life is meant to be lived....L-I-V-I-N! In order for things to happen we have to take ACTION. And, that's where we are in the process now. We are actively putting our goals in place and acting upon our ideas. This will not happen by us passively waiting for things to come to us magically. It's exciting and will be a fun process.
OK, let's talk about some fitness. We are still building a "beach-body" before the trip. We haven't forgotten about that. Exercise is actually a great stress relief for me. If I miss my workouts, I miss them down deep. I really feel somewhat empty. I know this may sound strange to some, but there is a huge neuroendocrine response by our bodies to exercise stimuli. Our bodies crave to move, pleasure endorphins are released, and you experience this once you make it common practice in your life. For Jami and I, we prefer functional, multi-joint, compound movements in our workouts. They are more true to "real world" movement in our everyday lives and offer more "bang for your buck" in your workouts. With that being said, my last two workouts have been WODs (workouts of the day) from crossfit ( People across the internet, I'm totally digging this! Fast interval workouts with a lot of intensity. Not to leave out, nice variety each day.
The first workout included muscle ups (I did 6, have to try to appreciate), 50 pushups, 50 situps, and 20 medicine ball slams. I had to do 500 meter runs in-between; so, sweat was rolling and there was little time for rest. I had warmed up with jumping jacks and a variety of moves using my TRX suspension trainer.
Today, the WOD had me doing 3 rounds of 12 barbell front squats and 12 burpee pullups. I mixed in some barbell shoulder presses in there, as well as some dumbbell hybrid deadlift/squats. Let's just say, it was definitely ON! I warmed up for about 10 minutes with some dynamic stretching and hit it hard. The actual WOD 3 rounds took me almost 8 minutes, but with my additions I finished a little under 30 minutes, which is good because I had a pair training session to go to.
Keep your bodies moving, stay positive, stay true to your dreams, don't forget about your "mental fitness", and stay tuned to Jami and my journey.
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