Friday, May 20, 2011

Keep on Truckin'

I love running up an unfamiliar set of stairs or a hill, not knowing exactly what the view that I will soon be seeing will be like.  That anticipation, that excitement, that uncertainty keeps me on the edge, curious as to what's on the other side.  Maybe this satisfies the same part of my mind that received pleasure as a toddler playing peek-a-boo.  And, to be honest, it can be something I've seen time and time again, but the possibility of it's changed appearance keeps me waiting with anticipation.

Lately, I feel like life is like that for me.  I'm going up a hill or stairs and I'm not sure if I am close to the top yet, but I am just so excited about what I will find on top, looking over at the other side. 
We've all heard that life is a journey, and I believe that, but in my recent past I feel like I had been passive, in neutral, waiting for things to come to me, seeing how things would play out, making my journey at many times seem somewhat like aimless wandering rather than a life of expected progression.  Like a leaf floating at the mercy of the flowing current, I could easily just go through the motions, being acted upon instead of the one doing the needed action.  I am so grateful for this new awareness, this new comprehension that I have.  I believe that I can tap into a force in the universe, called Intention, that allows me to create.  When I'm lined up with intention, I have the ability to make the positive changes in my life that lead to enrichment, to a life of purpose, the way we are meant to live.  I have the free will to identify that I do have control over this force, and the only thing that can keep me from intention is the belief that I am seperate from it, that it is out of reach.  For me, this is daily action.  I have to be diligent about setting goals, doing the work, and believing that if I do the things I am suppose to do, good things will follow. 

I think that my excitement for what I might see on the other side of those stairs stems from the fact that our views and perceptions change over time.  Things that I've seen in the past may look different to me in the present, and I have control over the way I think about them now.  No matter what I see, I can use it in a positive way for self improvement and growth.  The thing I have to remember is to continue my action, keep moving forward, keep growing, continue my self improvement. 

I'll finish up with a great quote given to me by a friend:  "Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations.  For if you do, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."  Henry David Thoreau 

Let's live, really live! I believe that we were put here to live a joyful, meaningful existence.  We are here to help each other along the way.  We have the resources placed along our paths that will lead us to purpose and the meaning we desire.  Stay positive, stay in a state of action, and stay lined up with your path of intention.
I going to continue climbing those stairs with an anxious excitement for what my near future will bring to me.

Always learning


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