Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hello again, we hope things are well in your world.....Things are great on this end, although it has been a challenge getting back into the working-rhythm.  We had a great time at the beach! We hit Jamaica Beach, TX, down on Galveston Island.  I didn't really know what to expect because I'd never been on that side of the gulf, but trust me, it was gorgeous.  We had fun, relaxed, ate good food (actually cooked quite a bit ourselves), made it to the beach a lot.......already thinking about heading back next summer!
Oh yeah, we did find time to fit in a few workouts..........
Not to bore you guys but our beach workouts were actually accomplished under the beach house and involved:  pushups, random TRX moves (, burpees, jump squats, split-lunge jumps, bulgarian split-squats, pull-ups, lunges, yada yada yada......point being:  we made due with the things we had around us, and aside from the TRX suspension trainer, all we had were our minds and body weight.  We had fun, we did it together, and both felt better after we got some body movement in.
This leads me to a critical point, and this is about me and my unique self.  I (Keith) don't feel well when I go without (not going to call it exercise or workout here) moving my body for extended periods.  I have to set some designated time aside and set a routine where I push my body with a series of moves that makes me work.  It does as much good for my mind as it does my muscle fibers. I think others, and I know Jami is like me on this, have similar experiences if they don't move.  It's in our DNA, baby, we have to MOVE OURSELVES! Back when cavemen were running around or even people who worked on farms, on the land (all of our ancestors), physical movement of your body could be seen in all facets of life.  Your feet were your transportation and your body was your work instrument.  People used to work, man! There wasn't the 9 to 5 sit in your spring-loaded office chair, sipping coffee, reading, falling asleep in boring sales meetings, and reading TPS reports.....Naw...People had to move their bodies or there was no food, people had to walk or run to get where they were going or escape danger, people had to use their bodies to build shelters, people had to move and use their bodies for protective purposes (even using their bodies as weapons).  Movement was not an elective occurrence, it meant survival.
Now, I'm not degrading people who work in office cubicles or even our overall occupational society and lifestyle enhancements; I'm just making the point that our bodies don't care about any of that.  Our bodies don't know it's 2011, it still has the internal desire to want to move.  Moving it properly keeps it strong, healthy, and running strong.  It's like a machine and you have to let that engine run.  That's what it was designed to do.  We've all had that GREAT feeling after completing a challenging exercise or body movement session.  We love to make accomplishments where we exert our bodies.  It's great for the mind! If you haven't experienced any of this yet, stop reading, turn off your computer, and go move your body!! If you lack the motivation call me, or a friend, or anyone that can motivate you to MOVE.
Back to another point, I truly feel that not much has changed over time, movement of your body still is your key to survival.  You may not have to outrun a saber-toothed tiger in today's age, but you may need your strength to handle some uncertain feat...things happen...? But, also, exercise can help prevent so many of the common diseases that ail so many Americans.  Any dude that finished med school could tell you that, even if he does have a pharmaceutical company bankrolling his families 2 week vacation to Hawaii every year.  Corporate Mind-Control over healthcare aside,  maybe it's not such a choice these days either......
Think about it......and while you're thinking, drop down and give me 10.....  

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