Sunday, July 8, 2012

"I Don't Work-Out for Vanity, I Work-Out for Better Quality of Life: Part 2"

The Clensing Aspect of Exercise

Yeah, sweating to the oldies!

"Come on let's sweat, Baby. Let the music take control, let the rhythm move you........"
Alright, alright; thank you for taking us back, C&C Music Factory.  I actually heard that song the other day, and it's still pretty catchy in my opinion.  You know you'd dance right now if you heard honest with yourself.
Here, let me help you with that.

Man, I just found myself dancing a little bit while posting this.  That's strong!

This time of year it is definitely not difficult to develop a good sweat while exercising.  One great benefit of a regular exercise regimen is the clensing effect it has on the body.  Sweating through exercise can remove fluids, toxins, and unclog skin pores.  Sweating regularly can just make you more comfortable in your own skin.  There is something about getting a good sweat going that just makes you feel better overall.  Oh, and then there's that saying, "gotta sweat out the bad stuff" (or something like that).  We know that there is benefit to generating our body to sweat.  We physically exercise, we sit in saunas, etc.  But what really are the benefits?
The jury in the scientific community still seems to be out on the issue of how cleansing sweating really is for eliminating toxins.  Webster's defines Toxins as :  A poisonous substance, especially one produced by a living organism and can be products or byproducts of ordinary metabolism, such as lactic acid, and they must be broken down or excreted before building up to dangerous levels.
I read that we have 60 or so of these "undesirable byproducts" floating around in our bloodstream.
When we look at sweating, which is actually know as Perspiration, it is controlled by an area of the brain known as the hypothalamus, which is our body's natural thermostat.  We have 2 types of sweat glands.  One type, the Eccrine Glands are used mainly to perform the main beneficial function of the Perspiration process - to put moisture on the skin, cool the body, and allow us to control our body temperature.  The second glands are the Apocrine Glands, and they are located in certain areas of the body, like the naval and armpits, and are active during the body's response to stress and stimulation.
That's what your exercise routine is classified as, a stressful stimulus, but it's a beneficial stress to strengthen your body.  We perspire mainly water, but also minerals, lactate, urea, ammonia, sugar, etc.
Some scientist feel we excrete a minimal amount of toxins out through our sweat; that's fine, I don't really know.  I'll let the white coats with the clip boards worry about the percentages and what have you.  I know that when it comes to eliminating toxins, the 2 powerhouses in the body in charge of that large job are the Liver and Kidneys.  I have read of the benefits that exercise has on Gastrointestinal tract mobility and know this correlates with better liver health.  These benefits specifically are that exercise can positively affect the elimination of gallstones and constipation.  I know exercise is good for the kidneys, and you do too, go look at your urine after a workout.  It may be darker, evidence of ridding the body of unwanted byproducts thru body metabolism.  Exercise makes you (or it should) intake more fluids, hydrating your body.  This is a good thing.  A point here that should be extremely clear to us all, this time of year when it's hotter than the deepest depth of hell, you have to absolutely drink water before, during, and after you exercise.  Stay hydrated; dehydration can quickly happen with the type of heat we've been experiencing.  Be smart!

So, in review, Yes, exercise is definitely cleansing.  It stimulates our sweat glands, our GI system and kidneys to help eliminate toxins.  Drawing on the last post in Part 1, exercise has a mental clensing aspect as well.  Even though it's very hard at the time, exercise will make you feel better after you've finished.  Once you get into a regular routine, you may find that skipping makes you feel badly both physically and mentally.  There are two people in this house ( a small subject group) and it's unanimous, exercise makes me feel better, I'm a nicer person because of it, and it makes Jami feel better too.  Believe me, Jami is definitely easier to deal with if she's got some exercise in, and I don't think she'll mind my releasing that info to the world either.  There is definitely something to generating a good sweat.
We have the cool option as people to experiment with our own bodies; go exercise, see if it makes you feel better overall.
Happy cleansing people.  I hope you danced a little bit to the old school jam; if not, go back to the top and hit play at once.