Hey, Jami and I were talking and we both understand that there is usually a huge drop-off in the average person's desire to maintain a physical fitness routine over the cold, wintery months. There are so many excuses to latch onto: it's too cold, it gets dark too early, I'm tired, I like to put on a little fat for my "winter body", it's not bikini weather, I don't have the desire or want to workout, I'm depressed and don't care, or no one is gonna see me naked anyways in the winter time.....Whatever the case may be, two things: You are not the average person and it's easier to maintain a fitness and wellness routine if you keep it consistent all year, all 4 seasons. You owe it to your overall health to stay active in the winter time, and guess what, you don't even have to workout that long or even leave your house.
Here's some tips that we have found helpful for ourselves:
Now, first off, numerous studies have shown that exercise is a natural mood enhancer; so, remember THAT when you're feeling low and wondering if you should get outside or do something active. It will probably do you some good to move your body, get some blood circulating, and let some natural endorphins kick in.
Like I said earlier, you don't even have to leave the house and your routine could take as little time as 20 minutes. Sometimes we just take a walk and jog/run a little bit to get the blood pumping. You can stay indoors and get a bodyweight routine going with some good ole family favorites like: bodyweight squats, pushups, jumping jacks, lunges, burpees, and I could keep going........
Another important tip for these shortened days is to remember to schedule time for yourself/put yourself down in your scheduling books. You have to have time for yourself to breathe, smile, close your eyes, let it be quiet, and relax.
Also, if you are one of these people who only feel like you've done some "work" when you actively sweat and have trouble doing that during the cold, schedule some time in your nearest Infared Sauna. That baby will do the trick for you. It will heat you up real nice.
Most Americans are walking around our fine cities and towns deficient in Vitamin D. We synthesize Vitamin D in our bodies when sunlight hits our skin. We have found it helpful for us in the winter months and really all year long to take a Vitamin D supplement. Of course, consult your healthcare physician.
Winter is the natural time for hibernation, it's like we are wired to slow it all down during this time of year. Under these conditions, psychologically it is harder to be active. We all have these feelings. That's why we are giving some tips here for things we've found helpful.
Now, when you're not being active, remember to spend time with the ones you love, get around a warm fire, drink plenty of water each day, eat a healthy, balanced diet, and get plenty of rest. Stay active, healthy, and happy all winter long. ENJOY LIFE!