Saturday, November 26, 2011

Istanbul/Constantinople: Which Is It?

Keith Here.....Aloha!
Hopefully you don't have that crazy, old song in your head now........
Forget about trying to figure that out and concentrate on perfecting one of the best total-body exercises know to man.  This exercises works best with a Kettlebell, but if you don't have that, use a dumbbell.
Form is the key here (watch the video above), keep your arm extended, eyes on the prize (so to speak), and don't get too fast with this movement.  Like I wrote above, this is a total-body exercise that will work numerous muscles at the same time, get you sweating, and torch unwanted fat. 
Start slow, do a reasonable amount of reps and build yourself up, and keep tight form.  Learn it and perform it right for your own safety and reaping optimal rewards for your body.

If you need assistance with your fitness goals and desires, call or email me:
Keith @ 501.351.7609 or

All the best to your physical and mental fitness throughout the Holiday Season!