A while back, I saw that Jami had a printed copy of an E-book laying around. In typical Keith fashion, I casually glanced at it and continued whatever I was doing. This E-book happened to be Mike Adam's, "Superfoods for Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina". I had never heard of these words before; as far as I knew they could have been new types of spinner baits and fluorescent fishing worms or volcanoes off the coast of Fiji.....not really, but I knew that they were weird, kinda scary looking words. I didn't really give the material much thought at that time. Over the years, Jami has spoken to me about the huge benefits both of these offer, and I would just nod my head yes......she even was putting spirulina in our green smoothies during the 1st Annual Little Rock Green Mustache Club's Green Smoothie Challenge back in February. I guess that back then, over the years, I wasn't ready to learn this powerful info, but now, apparently, I am. I picked it up and couldn't put it down. There is some really cool info here that I'd like to share with you (I'm attaching a link to the E-book), but I'm going to run you through the numerous high points. I have to tell you, there are an abundance of benefits given to us by these two superfoods. Honestly, it would have only taken a couple of these benefits to get me off the couch and to the nearest store to buy either one or both of these. There are amazing benefits you can get from good sources of spirulina and chlorella!
Get your thinking caps on, we are about to do some learning.......
Well, we've all been told by our mothers, grandmothers, school teachers, wives, girlfriends, maybe even doctors....."to eat your greens". This is because of the numerous health benefits they give us due to their vitamin and mineral content. They are an excellent source for good carbohydrates and fiber. Mike Adams says this in the link: generally speaking, we Americans are overfed but undernourished. You may have heard that before; I have. We are nutrient deficient. This is likely due to the abundance of refined carbohydrates that we eat, which lack any appreciable nutrient content and flood our grocery stores and gas stations. Most typical American diets are missing a lot of the nutrients that we require, leaving virtually everyone deficient in omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and B vitamins. Also, the typical American diet is very acidic, and an acidic environment in the body is one that is prone to inflammation and cancer formation. People who do these "fad diets" like a low carb diet usually end up becoming deficient in B vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc (because they cut fruits and vegetables out of their diets). Green vegetables are a great, simple solution to calcium deficiency problems. It's so important to balance our diets.
A few words about both of these superfoods:
Spirulina and chlorella are microscopic plants that grow in fresh water (micro-algae) and thought to contain every nutrient required by the human body. Both have vitamins that are present in their natural forms. These superfoods are whole foods; so, the vitamins are natural, not synthetically made in a lab. Studies have proven that both can reverse cancer in the human body. Both of these superfoods contain a high content of essential fatty acids, like GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid), which is critical for healthy brain function. You may not know this, the brain is 80% fat! They are both green due to their high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is known to remove heavy metals from the body. Both are pH balancing foods, known as Alkaline foods, and promote increased bone mass because the body doesn't have to pull calcium from the bones to help balance the pH (another pitfall of a highly acidic diet). The link (at the end of this post) shows a huge list of conditions that both of these superfoods have been effective in treating and even reversing. Check it out; like me, you will probably find something on there that you can relate to.
A look at Spirulina, by itself:
Spirulina contains 12 times, repeat 12 times, the digestive protein of beef and has a healthier mineral balance (including magnesium) than what is found in beef. Now, I eat grass-fed beef and will not give that up (there are numerous health benefits found in grass-fed beef too), but for vegetarians or people who have trouble digesting beef, this could be a perfect new addition to your diet. This form of protein is more easily assimilated because it is predigested; our bodies just absorb it. Spirulina has been called the "World's best source of protein". It is a complete protein because it contains all 8 essential amino acids. There is a phytochemical, called Phycocyanin, that gives spirulina its dark blue/green hue and is known to inhibit cancer colony formation. It is also known as a food source that protects the kidneys and liver, two organs responsible for the big job of filtering and eliminating toxins from our bodies.
Let's take a look at Chlorella:
Chlorella is approximately 58% protein and, like spirulina, is considered a complete protein food source. It contains more Vitamin B12 than what you would get if you ate liver. It contains all of the B vitamins, Vitamins C and E, and all major mineral sources, like iron and zinc. On the bottle you should make sure it contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF). This is the particular agent in chlorella that boosts human immune function, reverses cancers, and repairs nerve tissues. Chlorella has a certain phytochemical in it that can actually rebuild nerve damage in the brain and nervous system. Because of this, it is used in the recovery of patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Chlorella has a calcium and magnesium content that far surpasses milk in building strong bones. It is also the 2nd highest food source for GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid) behind mother's breast milk. This is an incredible source of essential fat that is so important for a healthy heart and the nervous system, especially brain function (P.S. you will not find that in cow's milk). Chlorella is the richest source of chlorophyll on planet Earth (where I happen to spend most of my time). Chlorophyll is so important because it detoxifies heavy metals like mercury from our blood stream and cells.
Hopefully, you are as impressed as I am with these two superfoods. I have been blown away by what I read here. Here is the E-book link so you can directly read the words from Mike Adams. He is a firm source on the subject of both spirulina and chlorella. I am a firm believer that in addition to my sources of grass-fed beef, organic free-range chicken, and wild-caught fish, that these are added sources of nutrition that my body needs. With all of the uncertainties out there about what is coming into our bodies, I feel like I need all of the help I can get.
This is a blog where we get the privilege of sharing our views on holistic health, fitness training, growing as individuals and together as a couple, and hopefully being an inspiration to others out there who decide that they too want a more enriched life. AnthroFit is how we describe our method of living. If we break it down, we have Anthro, meaning: human or human-like qualities, and Fit, short for fitness, meaning: the state or condition of being physically sound and healthy.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
I knew there was a reason I loved to satisfy my spinach "fix". Fellow Little Rock Green Mustache Club members can rejoice and raise their blender glasses up high. Of course we knew that it was good for us and that Popeye was right all along! But, there is more good news to spread about this green leaf. I'm talking about spinach. Over the years Jami has been leading me down such an incredible road to optimal health and fitness, and she has me eating this just about everyday. I am learning now that mother nature has blessed us with so many powerful sources of nutrients. Give this a read, world, and learn about this vegetable powerhouse, SPINACH!!!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Hello, this is Keith. I am in the health care field, radiology to be exact, and I truly feel like I do have a passion for helping people. Aside from my full-time gig, I have another means of helping people, it's my love for fitness training. I am a certified personal fitness trainer, Virgo, and I like long runs on the beach.
Working out with weights, body-weight training through calisthenics, and running have been parts of my life for many years. I truly enjoy these things. As a kid, I loved being outside playing. How come recess had to stop with elementary school? If I were president, I would designate two mandatory recess intervals to our workdays. One before lunch and the other, two hours before quitting time. It would make the days more fun, and probably make people less stressed out and more pleasant to be around. These days my exercise/physical activity is my "playing" outlet. I have fun with these things. They bring me joy, and if I miss it, I feel lost........Training a client allows me the ability to influence them on healthy lifestyle habits and hopefully helping them make positive changes that have huge life long benefits that may actually one day save their lives. Who knows? Individual health concerns can be complex; we are all unique and small gains for some could be huge life changing barrier-breakers for others. Being a helping hand on that road of theirs is a huge honor, and it starts by me, myself, and I walking the talk!
It wasn't until I met Jami that I started thinking about diet, how food affected me, and many other things I had to actually think about........Thanks, Jami, you got me to think, babe. Our diet is such a huge component not just to our fitness routines but to our whole lifestyle in general. (please understand when I say diet I am referring to our general nutrition, I actually am not a fan of diets at all and we can talk about that at a later time). I have learned over the years that certain foods make me feel good and others make me feel bad. While in the past I would accept this, I now see that there is no point to that line of thinking; I have control in the things that I put in my body. I look at food as my fuel for the day to power my body to get me through the different activities I put it through. Much like I want my car to run smoothly each and everyday with no hiccups, I expect the same from my body; so, why pollute it? Please understand that even though I look to food as fuel, I still expect it to taste good, be fun, and make me excited to eventually get to eat it again. People, eat for your health!
The greatest wealth is health. ~Virgil
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
AnthroFit: The Beginning (Alpha)
Hello, World! We are AntroFit. AnthroFit is how we describe our method of living. If we break it down, we have Anthro, meaning: human or human-like qualities, and Fit, short for fitness, meaning: the state or condition of being physically sound and healthy, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.
Fitness for us is a balanced combination of physical, mental or emotional, and spiritual fitness. We now realize that everything we do, every choice we make, plays into a bigger picture of our being.
That is why balance has to be imperative in our lives. We have to have balance in our nutrition, balance in the ways we get physical exercise, and balance throughout the day with our work and play.
We feel that living this lifestyle keeps us connected to Spirit and conscious of the world around and within us.
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